Stratigraphy – Palynologist
Instituto de Investigaciones en Estratigrafía – IIES Manager
Full Professor, Universidad de Caldas, Department of Geological Science
Ph.D. in Science – Liège University – Belgium (2004).
M.Sc. in Vegetal micropaleontology – Liège University – Belgium (1997).
B.Sc. in Geology Universidad de Caldas – Colombia (1988)
I am interested in palynology of Colombia
2020. Sedimentary record of the Cretaceous–Paleocene arc–continent collision in the northwestern Colombian Andes: Insights from stratigraphic and provenance constraints. Sedimentary Geology, 401, 1-26. Andrés Pardo- Trujillo, Agustín Cardona, A.S. Giraldo, Santiago León, Diego Felipe Vallejo, Raúl Trejos-Tamayo, Angelo Plata, J. Ceballos, Sebastián Echeverri, Ángel Barbosa-Espitia, J. Slattery Andrés Salazar-Ríos, G.E.Botello, Sergio Andrés Celis, Edward Osorio-Granada, Carlo A. Giraldo-Villegas. DOI:
2019. Provenance of Eocene–Oligocene sediments in the San Jacinto Fold Belt: Paleogeographic and geodynamic implications for the northern Andes and the southern Caribbean. Geosphere, 16, 1-19. Edward Osorio-Granada, Andrés Pardo-Trujillo, Sergio Andrés Restrepo-Moreno, Fabián Gallego, Jaime Muñoz, Ángelo Plata, Raúl Trejos-Tamayo, Felipe Vallejo, Ángel Barbosa-Espitia, Francisco Javier Cardona-Sánchez, David Foster, George Kamenov. DOI:
2019. Early Eocene (Ypresian) calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy from the Caribbean region of Colombia, South America. Geologic Problem Solving with Microfossils IV, SEPM Special Publication No. 111, 161–171. Felipe Vallejo, Marie Pierre Aubry, Andrés Pardo Trujillo, Raúl Trejos Tamayo, Ángelo Plata, Andrés Salazar Ríos, Andrés Díaz Jaramillo, Jairo Alonso Osorio. DOI: http://10.2110/sepmsp.111.07