Member of the IIES Scientific Committee (2016 – Present).
Leader of the Ostracoda research area of the IIES.
2016-Present: Researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones en Estratigrafía – IIES, in sedimentology, stratigraphy and basin analysis.
M.Sc. in Geology Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil (2015).
B.Sc. in Geology Universidad de Caldas – Colombia (2011).
Research interest: the distribution of fossil and recent ostracods from the Neotropics, in both continental and marine environments, and their response to geological or climatic changes Also on some other aspects of Colombian geological evolution.
2020. Granulite rocks at the Western Cordillera of Colombia. Evidence of metamorphism in the Colombian Caribbean Oceanic Plateau. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. Volume 101, August 2020, 102632. Toro-Toro, L.M., Vallejo, D., Salazar-Ríos, A., Murcia, H. Osorio-Ocampo, S., García-Arias, M., Arredondo, C. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0895981120301450
2018. Freshwater ecosystems on a newly formed eco-space: Early Pliocene lakes in the Altiplano of the Central Andes. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 490: 218-226. Vélez, M.I., Jaramillo, C., Salazar-Ríos, A., Benito, X., Fritz, S., Tapia, P., Lubiniecki, D., Kar, N. and Escobar, J. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.11.001
2016. Petrografía y Geoquímica del Stock de Payandé y su posible relación con el Magmatismo Jurásico al sur de Colombia. Boletín de Geología UIS v. 38. No. 2: 39-53. Quiceno-Colorado, J., Osorio-Ocampo, S. Vallejo-Hincapie, F., Salazar-Rios, A., Ossa-Meza, C.A., Giraldo-Alzate, L., Romero-Arboleda, L. http://dx.doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v38n2-2016002
2011. Petrografía y Geoquímica de las rocas intrusivas aflorantes entre los municipios de Mistrató y Belén de Umbría (Departamento de Risaralda, Cordillera Occidental Colombiana). Boletín de Geología UIS v. 33. No. 2: 47-57.Vallejo-Hincapié, D.F., Salazar-Ríos, A.F., Toro-Toro, L.M. http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/boge/v33n2/v33n2a03.pdf